
Showing posts from July, 2021

Nope dont care for it ether

Nope dont care for it ether funny 61 Likes 5 Comments Amber Hawkins Sonni Hill No, you are not the only one. But the "no cares"-people are as much annoying as the "i explode if i read a spoiler"-front. Can everybody please shut up and post funny stuff? Marvin Baluyot Velarde Elfaris Zaki Sirgyous Eeeee, i Am A cOcKsUCkinG FaNBoi ...

Daily Cancer Horoscope July 30 (30/07)

Cancer Jun 22 − July 22 Alias: Alias: The Crab July 30 (30/07) daily cancer horoscope: summary cancer daily Star 9/10 Part of you wants to seize a certain opportunity, another part of you cant ignore the potential consequences of doing so. Considering an option fills you with as much excitement as it does trepidation. Thats understandable and very much along the lines of what you should be feeling. However, the risk youre being encouraged to take now isnt as great as you fear. Theres no need to rush a process but taking just one small step toward embracing it will prove reassuring. Read more... summary cancer tomorrow Star 10/10 You might be seeing a certain situation as untenable and offering no chance of backtracking to improve or repair it. No real damage has been done, and it...

Stupid crossovers whats next?

Stupid crossovers whats next? superhero 81 Likes 3 Comments Yvonne Ebarb Kypriani Thoma if they can do a proper Fantastic Four movie to introduce them into the MCU, i'm okay with that, but if it's just for a neglected fan service, no thanks, most of the villains we've met deserved to last more than just one movie like Ultron, Red Skull and Obadiah Stane, but just because characters were already taken from alternative versions, we won't even get a Green Goblin, a The Lizard, a Spawn, a Galactus or a Doctor Octopus into the MCU, the cameo easter eggs were cool...

The former American MPs were robbed the phone between the day

  The former American MPs were robbed the phone between the day life Mckenzie Glass 27 Jul 2021 (91) Barbara Boxer, the former 80-year-old Senator, fallen by the robbery and robbed the phone near the private house in Oakland, California in the middle of the lunch. Former Senator boxer was walking through Jack London's square near the house around 13:15 on July 26, a young man suddenly walked away from the black car, heading towards her. Photo:  Reuters. ...