Daily Cancer Horoscope January 22 (22/01)


Jun 22 − July 22

Alias: Alias: The Crab

January 22


daily cancer horoscope:

summary cancer daily

Star 10/10

How are your New Year resolutions going, if you made any, of course? There appears to be a decision made recently that, whilst having benefited from some level of diligence on your part, needs more. You know what you wanted to make happen and why but circumstances might have caused a delay, obstacle or distraction and your attention is being brought to it once again. A decision might not be met with approval all-round but you know why its important and necessary.


summary cancer tomorrow

Star 10/10

Self-protection might be playing a part in influencing a way in which youre choosing to deal or interact with a certain person. By retaining control of a situation or arrangement in a way you believe allows you to keep one step ahead of it and reduce any risk of you being disappointed or hurt in some way, youre possibly causing tension to exist in a way that it doesnt need to exist. Try to be more relaxed and accommodating. Resist the need to be quite so controlling.


summary cancer weekly

Star 10/10

An offer of support that comes your way this week is one you shouldnt be reluctant to accept. As able as you are to get a special project off the ground, a certain person could help accelerate a process that might have taken longer to unfold otherwise. Its also possible theyre knowledgeable or connected in ways that could prove very helpful to you. Dont let pride get in the way of a genuine offer. Someone wants to help, so give them a chance to do so.


summary cancer monthly

Star 7/10

Mercurys direct motion in your relationship and commitment sector could help you to become clearer about whos truly worthy of your attention and affections. However, its the Full Moon in your sign on the 12th that turns the cosmic spotlight on you and allows you to make clear how youve been unappreciated or possibly unfulfilled, personally or professionally. Your voice can be heard but with emotions likely escalating, try not to overreact or overemphasize a point.


health cancer daily

Star 7/10

Todays atmosphere helps you express your emotional side. With so much attention being paid to your energetic personality, it can sometimes be a challenge to make yourself vulnerable and really know what you are feeling. Movement that challenges you to be physically vulnerable is a recommended practice for emotional release. Yoga, of course, and stretching out the chest cavity in particular. Applying a hot water bottle to your chest at night is another way to bring gentle attention to your emotional core.


health cancer tomorrow

Star 7/10

Todays planetary configuration can help you get stuck. Creative solutions will abound if you listen to your inner voice. Learning how to depend on yourself for what you need is important. There are some things that only you can work out, like how you take care of yourself physically. If you are someone who likes to be with people, join a team or plan an exercise routine with a friend, and stick to it together.


health cancer weekly

Star 7/10

The cosmos is going to bring a lot of feelings to the surface. Dont try to stuff them by overeating your favorite foods. Its better to welcome whatever comes up, acknowledge it, and let it go. You might also feel moodier than usual. Do something different from your usual exercise routine.


health cancer monthly

Star 10/10

A desire to see positive transformation in your life could be the reason youre so eager to make key changes to your lifestyle and overall health. With a potent influence in your wellness zone for some time, you may have been eager to follow new and positive routines but at times resisted them. A current upbeat blend of energies can help you better understand your motives, and this in turn could enable you to push forward and see real progress. Reorganizing your home environment could also enable you to get into those new routines more easily.


love cancer daily

Star 8/10

You may find that love interests and potential dates are in the mood to spoil you rotten today. The astral alignment encourages great warmth and real passion. Dont worry about becoming involved in too much of a good thing; we all need times when we can just kick back and be absolutely ourselves, so just go for it. You really deserve this treat.


love cancer tomorrow

Star 7/10

You and your partner (current or prospective) may be engrossed in deciding what to spend your money on right now. This is the perfect time to do a little research into the kind of product you wish to buy, and also look out for the best bargains. If you spend some time pinpointing what you want, you will both come away feeling very satisfied with what you get.


love cancer weekly

Star 9/10

Is it too early in a new relationship to start thinking about the future? Youre technically single, but things are getting more and more serious. It might be time to finally put a label on it. However, keep your options open later in the week, because you might get a second chance with someone you used to like. Love isnt always perfect, but it should definitely make you feel good.


love cancer monthly

Star 7/10

Venus visits fellow Water Sign Pisces on January 3, and the result is a feeling of peace and well-being. Even if you arent with the person of your dreams, you have faith that he or she is out there. Theres a Full Moon in Cancer on January 12, but the Cardinal Grand Cross could complicate things. Take a break and regroup before setting out on your next romantic mission. The Aquarius New Moon on January 26 puts a friendly spin on your dating life, indicating good times ahead. Making small talk could lead to big things, so take the initiative and talk to a stranger.


career cancer daily

Star 7/10

You feel the pressure of having to produce something without the resources needed to do so. Others are demanding that something be done, but the lack of foresight on someone elses part is making this task impossible. Do your best with what you have.


career cancer tomorrow

Star 9/10

You are likely to get frustrated by other people who dont seem to be pulling their weight today. Others arent showing the dedication and passion in their work that you often display in yours. Be patient with them instead of judgmental of them.


career cancer weekly

Star 7/10

The Universe could scatter your energy this week. Gossip and rumors may fly. Resolve to ignore what others say and go about your business. Its important to stay calm and balanced. Make sure you eat and sleep properly. You can be the person who helps others solve problems. Avoid doing too much to help someone whos weaker or in trouble. They need to stand on their own.


career cancer monthly

Star 9/10

The first half of January could find you juggling a variety of demanding tasks. If you dont pace yourself, you could burn out near January 12. Be ready to delegate tasks and trust others to do their jobs. This is not the time to micromanage. If you have an entry-level job and too much responsibility, speak up. Its important to establish healthy boundaries. Relief will come in the final days of the month. Be willing to take a newcomer under your wing. With a little luck, youll gain some valuable technical skills from this recruit. Sometimes students make the most valuable teachers.



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